Liposuction in Walnut Creek is a surgical procedure used to sculpt and define the contours of the face and body by removing unwanted fat deposits. It works by permanently removing fatty tissues from the body to sculpt and define areas such as your abdomen, hips, back, upper arms, calves, knees, thighs, and face.
We offer customizable liposuction techniques including:
Tumescent liposuction or “super-wet” liposuction involves injecting fluid, which is a combination of saline and a local anesthetic, into the targeted treatment area before suctioning out the fatty tissues. Patients that would benefit from tumescent liposuction typically have larger areas being treated such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs, and are looking for smoother results with minimal pain.
Depending on the areas being treated with liposuction, this surgery uses either light sedation or general anesthesia.
In power-assisted liposuction (PAL), a vibrating cannula is utilized to remove the fat cells. This is more effective than traditional liposuction and safer than many of the new options available today.
The incisions used for liposuction are approximately 3-4 millimeters in length and are hidden in inconspicuous areas to prevent them from being visible. The length of your procedure and type of anesthesia used will depend on your procedure and will be discussed in your consultation.
Suggested time off work: 1 week
Walking: Walking is started on the same day as surgery
Exercise: Light exercise can be started 14 days after surgery, with full activity 4 weeks after surgery
Other: After surgery, a compression garment will help to prevent swelling from accumulating in the areas of liposuction.
Reach out to our caring team to learn more about liposuction in Walnut Creek.