Breast reconstruction in Walnut Creek is surgery to make the breast look and feel as natural as possible after all or part of it has been removed. Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy consists of either breast implants or flap surgery. Flap surgery is the movement of your own tissue on your body to reconstruct the breast.
A TRAM flap is the procedure which takes the abdominal tissue from the lower stomach, and moves it up to the breast. This skin and fat is then shaped into a breast. The scar that results on the abdomen is similar to the abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” scar. This procedure can dramatically restore both the shape of a woman’s body and her self-image following cancer surgery.
A TRAM flap can be performed either at the time of mastectomy or at a later time (after chemotherapy has been completed). Because the TRAM is your own tissue, it can be more easily shaped, and is soft, warm to the touch, and if you gain or lose weight, the two breasts remain more symmetrical. Most plastic surgeons consider this the best (but most challenging) form of breast reconstruction in the appropriate patient.
Surgery time for breast reconstruction varies depending on the person. This surgery requires a 4 day stay in the hospital. Most people take pain medications for 1 week, then switch to Tylenol®.
Drains are used in the abdomen and the breast. The last drain is usually removed in one week
Suggested time off work: 4-6 weeks from work/major social activities
Walking: Walking is encouraged on the same day as surgery
Exercise: Return to semi-normal routine by 2 weeks after surgery. No heavy lifting or abdominal work for 6 weeks much like a “tummy tuck”
Other: Most people take pain medications for 1 week, then switch to Tylenol®.
Call today to schedule a consultation for breast reconstruction surgery in Walnut Creek.